Friday 27 February 2015


Q1. Age Group?                                14-16            16-18
       Other please specify

Q2. Education level?                      

Q3. What is your income?

Q4. Do You read magazines?                Yes              No
      If don't  please go to question and if yes go to question

Q5. How many magazines do you read in a month?

Q6.  Favorite genre in magazines?

Q7. Which of the following magazines do you read?

  1. Esquire              
  2. FHM
  3. GQ
  4. Loaded
  5. Men fitness 
  6. Nuts Q
  7. World Soccer
  8. Sports Illustrated 
  9. Zoo
  10. Runners world
Others Please specify      

Q8. How much do you monthly spend on magazines?

Q9. On what format do you read magazines?

  1. Ipad
  2. Smartphone
  3. Ipod
  4. Paper
  5. PC
  6. mp3

Q10. What are your interests?

  1. Arts
  2. Cars/Bikes
  3. Current affiars
  4. Politics
  5. Travel
  6. Sports
  7. Technology
  8. Music
  9. Film
  10. Fashion
Others please specify

Q11. Would you prefer reading a magazine or a movie?

Friday 13 February 2015

Magazine Name

First Name: Football Pakistan
I've chosen the name football Pakistan due to a number of reason, Firstly the most important reason is that Pakistan doesn't have its own football magazine and since there is a high rise in people staring to play football in the past 15 to 20 years.Football Pakistan would mainly be focusing on the domestic stories of football around the country however it will international stories and will cover up players, teams, Managers, Football personalities  almost everything.

Second Name: Footy-Mania
Why Footy-Mania. Firstly the term footy is a slang term for football usually teenagers now days use this term instead of saying football. this term Footy attracts teenagers and they find this term hawkish so this name of the magazine will instantaneously set the target audience which would be children, teenagers. The other word is Mania.What mania means is being excessively enthusiastic so primarily the magazine would mean being excessively enthusiastic about football.The magazine will cover every sort of story related