Saturday 16 May 2015

Q1 How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

- Costumes and Props - all me shows the character wearing a football kit, not a proper football kit. He's wearing shorts and shoes which makes him look like he's practicing at football

- Visual Effects -The visual effects for the main cover of the magazine were kept simple. I used an effect to darken the bottom of the picture as it made the image more look catchy to the eye. 

Typography - The text i used for the title was downloaded from the internet however difficulties were faced on deciding what kind of test should be used whether it should have funky sort of an effect or should it be something more simple at the end i got this font which had balance of both. The other fonts used for the cover stories, The web page were selected randomly whatever font  suited the magazine was chosen however the aim was to use the same fonts  for all the cover stories.

- Lighting - There was no use of lighting as all  the shots were taken in day light
 - Settings - The setting of the main cover shot was in a park. It was to show that the main character is practicing. The double page spread shot was set in a proper football ground and the shot was taken during an actual match. The first shot on the content page was taken at a normal ground while the player being in action. The second image is set at futsal tournament. The third image was shot at again normal football ground. the shot was again taken during an actual match for some tournament. The fourth image is set at a park after the team winning a tournament and having a group photo . The fifth photo was again taken during a normal friendly football match

- Camera angles - For the main cover image of the magazine, a close up low angle shot has been used, For the double page spread a long medium shot has been used to show all the action. The first picture on the content page is a medium level shot, The second picture on the content page is a long shot, The shot used for the third image is a normal level shot, The fourth image is a medium level shot, The fifth image is a long shot.

The Media Product I created for the main task for my A1 thesis was designing a football magazine. The Magazine represents the football-ing world of Pakistan and how its trying to stamp its identity in the football-ing world

The Product itself revolved around many codes and conventions, From using different fonts to analyzing he colors of the magazine and various other things
I chose a male model who's actually in real life an amateur league player.more over it does not represents a class but the idea it promotes that the game can be played from people of all classes
How my magazine represents social groups and its issue?, 
The characters in my magazine are clearly football players. It was there amateur sort of look that gave away as they aren't in a proper football kit. however they clearly represent the people who play football in the country both professionally and at an amateur level

Q2 - 
 How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

The magazine will engage with audience  of every age it doesn't restrict the audience to a certain age. The magazine will connect to the audience who follow sports in general or football. The audience isn't restricted to male audience only it will also attract the female audience

The idea of distribution of the magazine is targeted to teenagers basically because the character at the main image is 17 years old, A lot of popular players started at the age 17 such C.Ronaldo and Leo Messi. The Very same way this Character is starting his career at the age of 17 is featured on the main cover page of the magazine

The magazine would be taken up by Dawn News as they dont have a magazine on sports, They do have a sports section in their magazine but that doesn't entirely focuses on football, which is to be consider an important sport for the country on all levels.

Q3 How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

This project did tested me at every point. At first I was confused having no knowledge of how to use different softwares and edit and create something which i have created, Therir were different sorts of challenges and extensive amount of research that finally helped me understand the whole idea

I have learned  a lot through this project, Firstly when I started this project I didnt know how take pictures on a manual mode of a camera, So I watched different Youtube Videoswhich helped understand the Camera better, As I had my shoot outdoors, Playin g around with the ISO and shutter speed of the Camera proved a challenge as I had to cover fast rapid moving actions. I initially tried out differenet camera angles and that can be visibly seen in my project.
 I had a choice whether to make these on Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft illustrator, I chose Adobe Photoshop as I was finding it difficult on working on a Vector based software, I tried different camera Angles while doing photography. Learned how to use different tools on adobe Photoshop. I also learned that its important maintain a single font using different fonts for magazine ruins it codes and convention

 How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

There was less use hardware based 
technology as the Camera I used was Cannon 60D, Already having knowledge as in how to use a camera helped me alot in this project as I started taking pictures I understood the use of manual mode, How to play around with the iso and shutter speed

Learning adobe photoshop from Youtube has now become pass time sort of a habit.At first learning the software did seem to me as A mountain climb but however as I learned I found it more interesting than difficult. The Patch tool, the quick selection tool helped me alot in my process.Creating different layers and working on them provided with different angles to edit the project differently

Slideshare has helped me alot in my research work as all my research work was uploaded on it. It helped me define my process and research on the project 

Saturday 11 April 2015

Magazine Cover layout

The layout of the magazine is designed using the layout of the world soccer magazine as a reference point. The borderline of the magazine will have bordering of color green just like how Nat Geo magazine uses a yellow bordering.There would be only one main picture on the cover of the magazine with. The title of the magazine will be center aligned however would be written in two separate words. The cover story, Featured stories will be right aligned. The other featured stories will be left aligned.The magazine would have no background as the main picture on the cover page will be taking  the whole background for the cover page would be a long shot picture.
Now the picture above would be use on the cover page. The main featured story of the magazine would be based on the rising level of street football commonly known as "Karachi United" and how its effecting the real football.

Final Magazine Layout
The change in final magazine layout, The cover photo has been changed as the above cover shot was a sample shot to depict what the real shot would be like. there's a slight change in the featured story of the magazine. as Karachi United Saving the city was giving more of a NGO sort of a look to the magazine.Other than that every thing has been kept the same. The main featured story which was " CAN WE FOCUS ON GRASS ROOT LEVEL? " however changed as it connected with the main cover image. The green bordering has also been changed as it also gave unatural sort of a look to a sports magazine

Double Page Spread

The double page spread will have a white bordering just like as the double page spread of World Soccer magazine. The description of the magazine will be at the bottom right aligned.The email of the magazine will be right above picture on the right side of the magazine. This is the picture that would be used as double page spread. This the first attempt on the creating the double page spread of the magazine the codes and convention of a double page spread magazine of world soccer have been followed. The description of the picture just like world soccer on the right bottom side of the page.
The feed back given on this double page spread is this double page spread need to have a page number and it needs  much larger font to describe its description. The football Pakistan title does not necessarily needs to be on the top left corner of the magazine.The overall picture requires

Final Double Page Spread

The final double page spread has the same image however the story has been changed. The story was rewritten according to the reference which was used in making the double page spread. The reference was the double page spread of sports illustrated. The title football Pakistan title was removed as according to the feedback given by the Teacher. The main Story Title " THE RELEGATION BATTLE ". The further story was written on the right side of the page however the font will be changed as the font used is to simple and doesn't connect to the to the title of the story. The font is the only thing that needs to be changed.

Content Page
The content page was designed using the content page of Sports Illustrated as reference. The content page was divided into two columns. The left side has wide medium level shots with story title on the right bottom corner of the picture. With the page number in much larger font. The larger font was used in order to catch the eye of the audience so that they could instantly register that this story is on this page. The content page layout has been kept simple just as the content page sports illustrated used as reference. The Left side contains four stories. The right side of the column contains one story the image here is used a long shot. This is used in order to match the codes and convention of the content page. a medium level shot would have been too small and the title of the story would then be written in a smaller font. A long shot was used so that it could match the size of the other medium level shots as the target was to keep every image of the same size on the content page. The Heading CONTENT was given a green background so that it could be highlighted. the usage of colors in the content page were minimal as Green was primary color of the magazine that's why the content background color was kept green. Grey color has been used on the bottom right corner to highlight " Football Pakistan | 03 " line. The website name

is on the top left corner of the page. this is placed here so that the audience doesn't have to go all the way down in order to search the website link of the magazine.

Friday 27 February 2015


Q1. Age Group?                                14-16            16-18
       Other please specify

Q2. Education level?                      

Q3. What is your income?

Q4. Do You read magazines?                Yes              No
      If don't  please go to question and if yes go to question

Q5. How many magazines do you read in a month?

Q6.  Favorite genre in magazines?

Q7. Which of the following magazines do you read?

  1. Esquire              
  2. FHM
  3. GQ
  4. Loaded
  5. Men fitness 
  6. Nuts Q
  7. World Soccer
  8. Sports Illustrated 
  9. Zoo
  10. Runners world
Others Please specify      

Q8. How much do you monthly spend on magazines?

Q9. On what format do you read magazines?

  1. Ipad
  2. Smartphone
  3. Ipod
  4. Paper
  5. PC
  6. mp3

Q10. What are your interests?

  1. Arts
  2. Cars/Bikes
  3. Current affiars
  4. Politics
  5. Travel
  6. Sports
  7. Technology
  8. Music
  9. Film
  10. Fashion
Others please specify

Q11. Would you prefer reading a magazine or a movie?

Friday 13 February 2015

Magazine Name

First Name: Football Pakistan
I've chosen the name football Pakistan due to a number of reason, Firstly the most important reason is that Pakistan doesn't have its own football magazine and since there is a high rise in people staring to play football in the past 15 to 20 years.Football Pakistan would mainly be focusing on the domestic stories of football around the country however it will international stories and will cover up players, teams, Managers, Football personalities  almost everything.

Second Name: Footy-Mania
Why Footy-Mania. Firstly the term footy is a slang term for football usually teenagers now days use this term instead of saying football. this term Footy attracts teenagers and they find this term hawkish so this name of the magazine will instantaneously set the target audience which would be children, teenagers. The other word is Mania.What mania means is being excessively enthusiastic so primarily the magazine would mean being excessively enthusiastic about football.The magazine will cover every sort of story related

Friday 23 January 2015


Magazine Research Design

Q.Analyze A magazine's cover page, Content page and Double Page Spread