Friday 19 September 2014

Magazine design

Hello, The question which usually people ask me now days is that why I have chosen Media Studies. Usually now days students are more engaged in taking on subjects like Physics, Chemistry and other sciences, The usual approach of a student now days is get either have all business related subjects or sciences but I have a different approach, I wanna have a career a Journalist or as an anchor on popular TV show., The thing that has attracted me the most is that this subject never gets monotonous. There is so much to learn and the best part is probably the researching. Research helps you learn a lot. Now why I have chosen the Magazine design?. Magazines used to fascinate me since I started reading, How the magazine editors use big fonts and how they design and how they try to emphasize the main thing by trying out different things, This kind of editing always used to attract. Sport magazine always used to have the best editing, I know that's not the case but it's just my opinion .I hope I learn all of this one day So I could do some editing too. Media Studies is the only subject which I think can provide me this opportunity, Also I don't want people to think that Im only taking this subject because of my love for the magazines But I also wanna learn and research about everything else that this subject has to offer.