Friday 5 December 2014

Research work (Magazine design)

Research Work

Sports Magazines: Sport magazines usually have this big heading (usually the name of the magazine ) which is usually highlighted in a different color and is supposed to look bold, sports magazine have this one portion in which they completely focus on a team or an individual player, All the magazine has san-serif font. The cover of the magazine usually has close up camera shots of players or a team. It usually have these catchy lines which too are written in a different form which attracts the reader instantaneously. It also has pictures of two or three players which depicts that the focus of the magazine is not entirely on the player or the team which is covering the half of the cover but is also highlighting other important portions of the magazine. The target audience for this magazine is men,kids, Teenagers. Woman are not considered a target audience unless a special issue is created which entirely is presenting articles about women in sports. for example World Soccer depicts the idea of a true sports magazine. The content page of world soccer is usually divided into columns. On the right side of the content page there are close u and different camera angle shots. Page numbers  are printing which tell the reader where the article is. In every magazine of world Soccer there is a special featured article about a player. Team or a football federation.

On the left of the content page, There is a special section which is called dispatches  . The dispatches section shows the exclusive  reports from the magazines worldwide network of correspondents. It has articles from different parts of the world and what are they doing for the development of  football or how they are promoting it. The headings of the content page are always in red and black because that's the color of the magazine unless there's a special featured article in the magazine the color is changed. Now the page on the left side of the page is usually the page for adverts, these adverts can be about sports betting companies BET 365  or Betway OR these adverts could be about sportswear companies such as Nike or Addidas and they promoting their new shoes or any sportswear items ( Sportswear items which are only related to football) Now at the end of the magazine there are pages which are printed not like the other magazine glossy pages but they are of normal  quality paper. In this section of the magazine, There are usually betting previews, scorecards of different matches and etc. The magazine however in its every issue focuses on a team or a player.

     Fashion magazine : Serif fonts are used as heading and even in paragraphs, The cover contains a close up shot of a model or an actor. Usually however the title of fashion magazines are blown from left to right. Or in the "i-D" which is a British fashion magazine the title is written on the left in a horizontal way. The content of the magazine tells about fashion, what's in and what's not in, which model is doing the best, Basically the magazines provide everything from the fashion world, The magazines usually use different fonts to keep the reader interested. A catchy phrase or a line is always used on the cover. The color of the title of the magazine keeps changing. There is no set color or anything, although the font remains the same. The alignment of the font also remains the same as in the case of GQ magazine for men. It is always aligned towards the left. In the case of GQ magazine the edition for men is less provocative however in the case of women its an entirely different story but then again all these magazines have these close up shots in common. Usually there is a lot on fashion magazines cover but in the case i-D there is only the title and and catchy line or a phrase.

The reference used for the double page spread and the content page was Sports Illustrated magazine.why sports illustrated was chosen. The sports illustrated magazine has kept its double page spread and content page really simple. The layout perfectly meets the codes and convention of a sport magazine. The usage of colors and fonts was also kept simple so that the audience could read it easily. The main thing which impresses the most is the connectivity of fonts with the title of the story for example. The digit font was used in this double page spread. The content page also connects The page numbers are on the top left corner of the images that are used on the content page. This was used as reference in designing the images on the content page. There's more usage of colors on the content page but the colors are used in such a way that they don't distort the content page. The content page of the sports illustrated is divided in two columns. This idea and layout  is essential for sports magazine as it provides more space for the editor to place stories on the content page.

Friday 19 September 2014

Magazine design

Hello, The question which usually people ask me now days is that why I have chosen Media Studies. Usually now days students are more engaged in taking on subjects like Physics, Chemistry and other sciences, The usual approach of a student now days is get either have all business related subjects or sciences but I have a different approach, I wanna have a career a Journalist or as an anchor on popular TV show., The thing that has attracted me the most is that this subject never gets monotonous. There is so much to learn and the best part is probably the researching. Research helps you learn a lot. Now why I have chosen the Magazine design?. Magazines used to fascinate me since I started reading, How the magazine editors use big fonts and how they design and how they try to emphasize the main thing by trying out different things, This kind of editing always used to attract. Sport magazine always used to have the best editing, I know that's not the case but it's just my opinion .I hope I learn all of this one day So I could do some editing too. Media Studies is the only subject which I think can provide me this opportunity, Also I don't want people to think that Im only taking this subject because of my love for the magazines But I also wanna learn and research about everything else that this subject has to offer.